Thursday, February 14, 2019

Glossary And Definitions :: essays research papers

polish and DefinitionsDistributionDrug distribution is the process by which a medicate reversibly leaves the bloodstream and enters the interstitium (extracellular fluid) and/or the cells of thetissues. The delivery of a dose from the plasma to the interstitium primarilydepends on blood flow, capillary permeability, the degree of binding of the drugto plasma and tissue proteins, and the relative hydrophobicity of the drug.ExcipientVehicle. A more or less inert substance added in a prescription as a diluent orvehicle or to give model or consistency when the remedy is given in pill appointsimple syrup, aromatic powder, honey, and various elixirs ar examples.GelA colloidal state in which the molecules of the dispersed phase form a three-dimensional structure in the continuous phase to produce a solid materialsuch as a jelly. For example, a warm, dilute(2 percent) solution of gelatin(aprotein mixture) forms, on cooling, a stiff gel in which the molecules of thecontinuous phase a re trapped in the holes of a "brush-heap" like structure ofthe gelatin. Administered orally.MicroemulsionMicroemulsions are thermodynamically stable, optically transparent, isotropicmixtures of a biphasic oil-water system stabilized with surfactants. Thediameter of droplets in a microemulsion may be in the range of 100 A to 1000 A.Microemulsion may be formed spontaneously by stimulate the oil and water phaseswith carefully selected surfactants. The type of emulsion produced depends uponthe properties of the oil and surfactants utilized. oleaginousnessSemisolid preparations intended for topical application. Most ointments areuse to the skin, although they may also be administered ophtalmically,nasally, aurally, rectally, or vaginally. With a few exceptions, ointments areapplied for their local effect on the tissue membrane rather than for overbearingeffects.Professional skillsBody of systematic scientific knowledge, manual dexterity and deftness,proficiency, resulting from training, blueprint and experience particular of anindividual who has completed the formal education and trial required formembership in a profession.WaterA clear, colorless, non-aromatic and tasteless liquid, H2O that is essential for

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